Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mongi's A+ Work

Monica does her ABCs and her 123s. She comes and goes as she pleases. Sometimes she sits quietly and finds a fun page she wants to do and gets it done. This is what she did today. I was very impressed. She did it on her own initiative and I think it's "A+" work!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3 times as fun!

History (and Geography) is 3 times as fun at our house!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Singer-Songwriter Mongi

Monica is always making up songs. She sings to herself and then will come up to us and say"...I have a song want to hear it?" To which the reply is obviously "YES!" Tonight as we were going to bed she had one to share. Here are the words:

God knows we are sinners,
but God isn't a sinner cause he does not do anything like that
[pause] God.
[pause] Spirit
[pause] Jesus
[pause] Three in one

And when we asked her to sing it again...same tune, same words. The girl's got major talent!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Inspired by Hagia Sophia

In history the kids learned about the Hagia Sophia. We talked about the mosaics that combed the buildings and went online to look at pictures of them (most were of Christ so we didn't look too thoroughly at them). So we took a large chunk of the little amount of school time we have on Friday to make a mosaic. As the kids were doing their small masterpieces Ayva said, "Wow it must take a long time to do a mosaic".

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fun-filled Friday

The kids had a fun filled Friday yesterday. First they did a craft during school (blog post soon), which they loved cause they didn't have much work. Then at Joy Singers the whole group- beginners, primaries, intermediates, junior and high school, and loads of parents did rhythmic movement, the chicken dance and square dancing. It was super fun!

Then at night we went to a Freedom fest for two candidates that are running for office. There were rides, a big slide, a rock wall, and a concert. There were lots of friends there and we all had a lot of fun! Monica was adorable, all she wanted to do was watch the performers...she's dreaming about her future! That was the fun-filled Friday!